Notebooks aren’t just for notes. Some of my favorite drawings can be found nestled between calculations or in the margins of my to-do lists. This page is dedicated to the doodles that liven up my notebooks.

Doodle in the margin of a To Do List (2020)
Doodle in Chemistry notebook (2020)
Colorful doodle in miscellaneous notebook
Doodle in Chemistry notebook (2020)
Miscellaneous flowers below a To Do List (2020)
Bunny with a carrot on unknown worksheet
Symmetrical doodle on unknown worksheet
Tiny doodle in Chemistry notebook (2020)
Little Flower in coral reef ecology notebook (2020)
Moose in English notebook
Little Bunny in Spanish notebook
Butter in Algebra notebook
Doodle in Algebra notebook
Landscape on biology midyear (25 Jan 2017)
Bunny in physics notebook
mysterious creatures on the back of a Physics worksheet
Tiny Tulip sketch
doodles in the margin of a math worksheet
A pair of bunnies