Kaleigh Walsh. 4 August 2016.
Beyond The Porch Door
Beyond the porch door is freedom
Freedom from the cage where I live
But beyond the porch door is the loss of warm cuddles,
Plenty of pats and never ending love
Beyond the porch door are new creatures to meet
But beyond the porch door are hawks and bears
Looking for a treat like me
Beyond the porch door is the green grassy meadows
And the sparkling blue lakes
But beyond the porch door is the struggle for food and water
Beyond the porch door is different and exciting
But beyond the porch door isn’t me
Within the porch door is me
Happy as can be
Within the porch door is love,
And all freedom I need
Within the porch door is Kaleigh
With warm snuggles for me
Within the porch door is special food and water just for me
Within the porch door lies adventures waiting to be sniffed out
With a hip and a hop
One by one they reveal themselves
Within the porch door is me
But you’ll have to wait and see
If beyond the porch door
Is the way that you are meant to be
All I know is
It just is not me.