New Year, New Website!
Welcome to Art of Kaleigh! …and welcome to 2021!
2020 presented many challenges and forced me to take a new approach to navigating the changes in life. I graduated from high school and moved in to college under the unusual restrictions introduced. I also planned a trip to Japan for May which was canceled. However, I believe I will still travel in the future.
Still, the year definitely did not go as expected. After coming home for winter break, exhausted from intense classes and overwhelmed by the everchanging restrictions, I was able to slow down and reflect.
Although I appreciated the “de-densified”, “socially distanced,” and “virtual” events, I was left craving the idealistic college experience and new adventures.
At 2 AM on a Sunday, I sat on the couch discussing the future with my mom. This is when I decided on my new adventure: This website.
Through this website I will be able to rediscover past inspirations, creativity, and happiness. I also hope to inspire other people to find their own joy.
This is only the beginning! I look forward to the adventure that awaits.
From here on out I will be posting on various art related subjects weekly or biweekly.