
This is a repost of my January 17 “Mandalas” post with updates. Unfortunately, a glitch deleted the original version.

Yesterday I spent over 6 hours creating mandalas. For me, drawing the mandalas had a calming effect. Time seemed to stand still and the possibles seemed limitless.

I completed two mandalas and each took approximately three hours. To create these mandalas, I used a dot template. This is similar to a connect the dots worksheet, however, you are free to connect the dots in any way you want. To start, using a black, ultra-fine sharpie, I connected the dots. (You don’t have to connect the dots with just straight lines, consider using curves as well.) Still using the sharpie, I added my own lines (regular lines, dashed lines, dotted lines, etc.) and patterns (swirls, shapes, stripes, etc.). After I was satisfied with my work in sharpie, I went back over my mandala and added color using markers and glitter pens. (Black and white are colors too! you may find that your mandala is complete as is or that it only requires a little bit more color.)

After completing these mandalas, I discovered that adding color transforms a mandala and you many find that you want to added more patterns and lines. That’s okay. Your mandala will simply continue to grow and evolve as you add to it. Below are images of a mandala I created: one mid-design and one after completion. But, who knows maybe I will decide to add more to the mandala in the future.

There is no right or wrong way to design your mandala.

To see my completed mandalas click here.

Also check out my new Artful Moments page!

Me adding color to one of my mandalas.

Me adding color to one of my mandalas.

Examples of different patterns and lines.

Examples of different patterns and lines.

Incomplete mandala.

Incomplete mandala.

Finished Mandala. (18 January 2021)

Finished Mandala. (18 January 2021)


Happy Valentine’s Day! 💜


A Different Kind of Art